I start with me

To create peace in this world we have to create peace within us.

Structure combined with caos and total freedom

Every time I wanna be free, wanna break through.. Then when I am and when I have, I realize I want what I had.. When I have structure I want caos/total freedom, and when I have caos/total freedom I realize structure's what I want. Haven't I learned from this before one can ask, and yes I do have and will continue for the rest of my life.

Be there - Pray there - Be well - Pray well

Be La - be there! Just be exactly there, and everything's gonna be alright... Peace and stillness, guidance and faith. Here I am, I am here. The time is now, everything's divine.

Hon börjar mjukna, tanten

Du är kvar imorgon bitti när jag vaknar va? Ingen tidig flight till Bali och lämnar en liten lapp?

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